Course Tutors
This course aims to equip students with knowledge and skills related to the sociability of older adults.
Upon successful completion of the course students will be able to:
- Recognize the social determinants of health.
- Identify social capital as a key social determinant of health, following the WHO model.
- Identify the social relationships of older adults and the positive contribution of intergenerationality to the health and functioning of older adults.
- Recognize the effects of loneliness and solitude in the older adult age group.
- Recognize the impact of COVID-19 on the sociality of older adults.
- Identify the possibilities of new technologies in the promotion of sociability.
- Understand the burden of older carers and the impact it has on them.
- Recognize abuse and neglect of the elderly population.
- Describe the plan for healthy aging.
- Identify actions for active and healthy aging in Greece and internationally.
- Identify models of behavior change that contribute to healthy aging.
- Recognize social stereotypes about age (ageism) and the actions proposed by the WHO to combat age discrimination.
- Identify ways to ensure the human rights of older adults.
- Describe the role of health professionals in advocacy (for older adults.)