The Postgraduate Studies Programme “Health Promotion in Third Age” is organised by the Department of Public and Community Health of the School of Public Health of the University of West Attica from the fall semester of the academic year 2020 – 2021. The Programme aims to further advance scientific knowledge, develop research and provide graduates with a high level of specialisation in theoretical and applied areas of the first cycle of studies of the relevant Department.
The Programme provides specialised knowledge on the promotion of health, well-being, autonomy and dignity in older people, as well as the design and implementation of interventions for this purpose.
The aim of the Programme is to provide high quality postgraduate education in order to provide students with knowledge on current developments, the interdisciplinary approach to health promotion for older people and the development of intersectoral policies and actions.
The Postgraduate Studies Programme “Health Promotion in Third Age” awards a Master’s degree (MSc) entitled “Health Promotion in ThirdAge”.
Structure and Organisation of the Programme
The Programme is organised in 3 academic semesters, i.e. 1,5 years, each of which offers 30 ECTS credits. Thus, upon successful completion of the programme, a Diploma of Postgraduate Studies of 90 ECTS credits is awarded. The language of instruction of the Programme is Greek, while English may also be used. The Programme is offered in a hybrid mode of teaching with face-to-face and distance learning methods. The face-to-face teaching takes place at the premises of the Athens University Campus of the UniWA, 196 Alexandras Avenue, 11521, Athens, Greece. Distance teaching takes place through the Microsoft Teams platform. The tuition fees for the Programme amount to 2.250 €, i.e. 750 € per academic semester. Scholarships are provided for the study at the Programme , in accordance with the applicable legislation. The number of students admitted to each cycle of studies is set at thirty (30) postgraduate students.
Who is addressed to?
The Postgraduate Studies Programme “Health Promotion in Third Age” is primarily addressed to graduates of higher education institutions of the Greek or similar institutions of foreign countries relevant to:
Why choose this particular course of studies?
The ageing population is one of humanity’s greatest achievements. At the same time, however, it is also one of the most important challenges. Understanding population ageing and the diseases of this period of life is one of the issues that concerns the global scientific community today more than any other. This is because the numbers of people in third age are increasing rapidly. Significant and many changes have taken place in relation to this age group. These changes are mainly demographic, social and economic, and these have brought about significant contrasts in the way third age affects society as a whole and the way it treats it.
Although demographic ageing is not a new phenomenon, it has taken on alarming proportions nowadays, mainly because of the dramatic decline in the birth rate following the post-war “baby boom”. In the coming decades Europe will be increasingly threatened by these dangerous demographic trends. Recent demographic changes mean that the EU Member States will face a pronounced ageing problem, perhaps in different ways and to different degrees in each EU Member State. However, all Member States will suffer consequences in the areas of the economy, social protection and dialogue between the social partners.
As a result of the interdependence of the various factors and, above all, the specific conditions prevailing in each country, there is no single correct answer as to how best to adapt our social systems to the forthcoming demographic changes.
Both the issue of economic performance and that of employment and social protection are of particular concern to all Member States of the European Union. The type of demographic changes currently taking place in Europe leads to an investigation of the effects previously observed in similar distortions of the age pyramid. The European Commission in Brussels believes that an in-depth analysis of the relevant developments and statistical data is required. These studies should form the basis for the formulation of other interdependent policies (such as employment and social protection policy) as well as the material for calculating possible future impacts in these areas.
According to the above, the need for trained scientists at postgraduate level in Greece and the European Union in this field is imperative.